Car Park
Our Car Park
We offer complimentary parking in our Hotel Carpark in front of the hotel subject to availability. Space is limited on a first come, first served basis and we do not under any circumstances reserve or guarantee parking spaces. Free on street parking is also available on the streets around the hotel. Complimentary parking on our car park is only valid when you are either staying at the hotel and checked in to a hotel room or are a customer in the bar, restaurant or attending a function. Overnight parking is available to guests staying at the hotel in one of our bedrooms only. Customers in the bar, restaurant or attending a function have a maximum 6 hour stay whist being within the hotel.
You MUST register your vehicle registration number into the tablet on reception if you are a bar, restaurant or function customer. If you are an hotel guest, then please register your car registration number with reception.
The Royal Hotel (Northwest) ltd does not accept any liability whatsoever for any damage to or theft from or of any items, persons or vehicles left unattended or not whilst in our car park.
If you have received a parking charge notice from Smart Parking
If you have received a parking charge notice from Smart Parking and were a customer or guest then
Please email us at .
Please attach to the email
1. A clear and readable Photo or scan of the parking charge notice letter
2. Proof of visit. Either a) If you were a guest staying at the Royal Hotel, your name and date of stay OR b) if you were a customer at the Royal Hotel a credit/debit card receipt or bank statement showing your purchase or till receipt or details of any function you may have attended
Please email us with your parking charge only. We regret that we are unable to process your parking charge notice at the hotel.
We regret that if you were not a customer or guest of the Royal hotel at the time of the fine, we will not be able to cancel the parking charge
Please note that it is not our fault nor the fault of our staff that you have received a parking charge notice. Any aggression, rudeness or threats made to any of our staff, employees or management will not be tolerated and we will not cancel any charges where we feel that your behaviour falls into this category.
Car Parking FAQs
Q. Why have you got a parking system?
A. We have partnered with Smart Parking to provide monitoring of our car park due to our location overlooking Crosby Beach and the Marine Lake. We found that on busy days, people were parking in our car park who were not our customers for free as they did not want to pay the charges at council car parks. This system ensures that parking spaces are only used by genuine customers of the Royal Hotel
Q, Why did the staff not tell me?
A. There are multiple signs around the car park, 2 signs on the entrance of the carpark and a 6ft banner at the entrance advising customers to enter their car registration number into the tablet. Our customers arrive by a variety of methods and quite often our reception staff are busy dealing with other customers. We do not feel it is practical to stop every single person and ask if they have parked in our car park when a large number of our customers do not park on the car park or have arrived by different means of transport.
Q. I have received a Debt Collection letter but no parking charge letter
A. Please do not worry. Simply follow the same procedure as above and email us that as well provided you can show proof of purchase at the Royal Hotel.